Introducing Justice Amy Coney Barrett

With the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg on Sept. 18, President Donald Trump was eager to fill her seat. Trump stated he was “without delay” prepared to fill her spot, according to USA Today ( The third Supreme Court pick of his presidency and selection to fill Ginsberg’s seat was Judge Amy Coney Barrett.

The nine justices on the Supreme Court serve for life , and their decisions can change Americans’ lives.

Justice Barrett was sworn in as the 115th Justice of the Supreme Court on Tuesday, Oct. 27. The swearing-in ceremony was administered by Chief Justice John Roberts. Barrett placed her hand upon the Bible and repeated the judicial oath. Barrett commented, “I will do my job without any fear or favor, and that I will do so independently of both the political branches and of my own preferences.” 

Justice Barrett was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, to parents Michael and Linda Coney. Barrett graduated from Rhodes College and Notre Dame Law School. Barrett has been a member of the Federalist Society and The American Law Institute. She is of Roman Catholic faith and has been involved in a Christian group known as the People of Praise; Barrett is yet to speak publicly about her official relationship with the organization.

Barrett has been vocal about her conservative views. She has shown loyalty to the legal philosophy known as “originalism,” which entails judges adhering strictly to the exact text written in the United States Constitution. In an interview with People magazine, Barrett said, “I believe Americans of all backgrounds deserve an independent Supreme Court that interprets our Constitution and laws as they are written.” Originalism does not allow for much room for interpretation in reference to the law. Justice Barrett has made it clear that she interprets the law directly from the Constitution without infusing her own personal beliefs in her decisions. 

With the presidential election and Barrett being sworn into the Supreme Court, there is undoubtedly political change that will arise within America. Junior Chloe Moskowitz does not agree with Justice Barrett’s views and was eager to comment: “I do not agree with her political views. I believe that a woman has a right to do what she likes with her body, and Amy Coney Barrett has said multiple times that she does not agree with that.” Moskowitz was speaking in reference to Barrett’s pro-life stance and went on to say, “I think she is going to set the country back. She brings religion into her political views and does not respect the difference between church and state.” 

Many American people are concerned about Justice Barrett allowing her religious views to unconsciously seep into her decisions in court. Senior Ryan Marrione commented, “Supreme Court Justices are supposed to be unbiased on their decisions. Based on her performance in the hearings, it cannot be assured that she will act on the basis of the Constitution alone.” Although Barrett has stated that she follows originalism, it is difficult for some to separate her strong political beliefs from her opinion. 

Although some Americans are hesitant about Barrett’s Supreme Court appointment, others respect and admire Justice Barrett’s intelligence and competence. Junior Elizabeth DiFiore said, “I believe in the justice system. The Constitution allows for a president to nominate and for the Senate to approve a Supreme Court Justice during a president’s term. I do believe Amy Coney Barrett presents herself as a polarizing figure. There is no denying how intelligent and diligent she is with her job. Even with her conservative ideologies, I am not particularly fearful of my rights as a woman in America.”