A New Normal

Things that we have become used to such as stadiums filled with cheering fans, schools with unmasked children, supermarkets and shops with unmasked shoppers and staff, and large gatherings and parties may become a faint memory as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Social distancing measures may be eased in the near future; however, life will not look anything like it did before. As the pandemic continues to progress, one thing is strikingly clear: life has been changed, and a new normal is on the horizon.

It will take years for life to return to what it was like before, and even then, things will look very different. Governors in many different states have given citizens hope that quarantine restrictions will be lessened in weeks to come; however, life is not going to be back to normal anytime soon. “The new normal” is what Juliette Kayymen, a CNN national security analysis and former assistant secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, recently called it. Education is a top priority in American society, but having school back in session does not seem very likely. If schools reopen, smaller classes and shorter days would be likely, CNN (cnn.com) reports. Sophomore Colin Lung shared that a large change that will occur when quarantine is lifted is “Getting used to the school schedule.” He elaborated, “Specifically, waking up earlier and being focused during classes. After being home for so long, it will be difficult to adjust back to classroom environment and even the workload.” Adjusting will be especially difficult if changes to school are made. The smaller class sizes and shorter days are a likely possibility for schools in the fall; this would help slow the spread of the virus even more. California Governor Gavin Newsom explained that the new normal “will not be [normal].” Additionally, schools are looking to conduct temperature checks and weekly testing. While all of this seems foreign, it is a very large possibility that these changes will be made when school reopens. Sophomore Julia Reis acknowledged the large changes that will occur after quarantine: “I think the most significant change after quarantine is that life will not just fall back into place.” She added, “Although I would love for everything to go back to normal, it is not realistic… Unfortunately, we will have to adjust again to a new lifestyle and stay safe until quarantine is over.”

Americans are itching for entertainment and live sports, and people are hoping for normalcy in the near future. Junior Sammi Feldman hopes that “the world will go back to a semi-normal lifestyle.” She added that she hopes after restrictions are lifted, “No one takes a moment for granted.” While some sporting events and concerts may be able to be played, all of them will share a common theme: there will be no spectators at the events. Technology has helped contain coronavirus to some extent, and technology companies are working to help the United States track the virus. In other countries such as China and South Korea, using credit cards and phones as trackers has helped to contain the spread. Face masks will be the new fashion when people are permitted out of their homes. The law that people who are not social distancing must be covering their mouths and noses will be in place for a while. Traveling is going to change; vacations will not be taken any time soon. Moreover, temperature checks will be administered at airports, and sanitation products will be distributed on flights. Also, a recent report from the Center for American Progress (americanprogress.org) reported that subways, buses, and transit systems should all limit their legal capacity to 50% of what it originally was. These changes are only a few ways that life will be altered in the near, and not so near, future. Lives have already been drastically modified; however, they are about to change even more.

People can hope, wish, and pray for normalcy to return; however, until a vaccine is discovered, there is no way to completely ease restrictions and social distancing laws. Even after these laws are lifted, people will be more aware of their surroundings; the pandemic will surely turn thousands of people into attentive germaphobes. Lives have been changed, are currently being changed, and will continue to change because of coronavirus. A new normal is approaching, and there is nothing anyone can do to change that fact.