Performance Friday: Emma Guttman

Emma Guttman, Grade 12:

I am singing “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac. It is about the passing of time and changing as you are getting older.

Q: How did you get started in music? Who are your greatest musical influences?

A: I’ve always been very into music. I had my first music lesson when I was three and continued with it ever since. My greatest musical influence would probably be Anna Kendrick as her talent has always been something I have aspired to obtain.

Q: Do you aspire to do anything with music in your future?

A: Yes, I am going to college for music therapy to help people with different abilities find their voices.

Q: What is your favorite part about Performance Friday and/or performing in general?

A: I love the feeling of being on stage. It’s the most amazing feeling when I can tune out the world and just do what I love the most.

Q: Do you get nervous to perform in front of people, specifically your peers? How do you quell your nerves?

A: I used to get very nervous and sometimes still do, but as I continue to get older I reminded myself I perform because it is what I love to do, and what other people think won’t change how much I love doing it.

Q: What do you love most about music? Has music helped you in any way through the pandemic?

A: What I love most about music is that when I’m learning a song or performing, I can just get captivated in the song. I can be at my piano for hours playing and learning a song and it will feel like five minutes. During the pandemic, music helped me relax. I always feel at home when I’m listening to a good song.