Class Night Season Is Here!
For almost a century, LHS students have participated in Class Night, a student-run competition-based event among grades 9-12, and this year will be no different. The highly-anticipated event is fast approaching, and students are ready. The world of LHS is about to be “turned upside down” as students begin to rigorously prepare for LHS’s defining event.
This year’s Class Night theme, chosen by the senior class, was revealed to be “A World Turned Upside Down.” Students were tasked with choosing an animated movie and changing a key component of the plot to make it their own. The seniors were given first pick and chose Disney’s Monster’s Inc. for their skit. The junior class will be performing its own interpretation of Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph, the sophomores chose Disney’s Peter Pan, and the freshman class will be performing Disney’s The Incredibles.
Planning kicked off with individual grade meetings to hold elections for the chairpersons for each of the following: Sports Night, art, and Class Night. If elected, these students are expected to act as leaders and role models for not only their grades, but the whole school. After positions were finalized, the themes were revealed, and the grades chose their skits. Class Night practices began after the student body returned from winter recess.
The first event of Class Night is Sports Night, where each grade competes in various athletic competitions to earn the first round of Class Night points. All points earned from Sports Night are accumulated into each grade’s final score. This three-day event is pivotal because the points generated could be the make-or-break difference in the final standings of Class Night.
One of the two senior Class Night chairs, Jaiden Moreno, is more commonly known as the “Class Night God” due to his role in helping the Class of 2023 win last year’s competition, reigning victorious over the Class of 2022. Moreno is feeling sentimental that this will be his last time participating in Class Night: “It is sad knowing this is our last Class Night, especially considering our grade missed out on our sophomore year, but I am still extremely excited to try and put on the best show my grade has to offer. The cast truly forms a tight bond each year, and it is so rewarding to see the skit come together over the course of two months.”
One of the freshman chairs, Dani Zhanay, is “honored” to have been voted as chair and is ready to participate in Class Night for the first time. “I am excited to work with the freshman class closely and in such a fun and creative way. I am mostly looking forward to working with my peers and putting on a great show for all,” Zhanay said. Although the junior chairs, Michael DeJoseph and Zachary Buxton, have never been lead chairpeople before, they are looking forward to working together. “I am so excited to be chair! I love that I get to work with all the talented people in our grade on something amazing and watch everyone get excited. I am eager to see how our journey unfolds, and how the juniors bring our vision alive,” DeJoseph emphasized. Buxton agreed: “I am honored to be one of the chairs. I want to blow everyone away with our skit. It is comeback season!”
Sophomore chair Peyton Leighley is excited to give being chair “another shot.” Leighley stated, “I wanted to be chair because my older sister did it and loved it. When I was voted chair, I was so excited to be able to do what my sister did. As a freshman, I fell in love with working with my grade. I loved how we all did our best for each other. I am so excited to see that happen again this year!”
Class Night is one of the most-anticipated events of the year at LHS. Many are excited to see the creativity students bring to this year’s productions.

Hi! My name is Alexis Raynor, and I am a member of the Class of 2024 and a managing editor for Horizon. I love to dance and hang out with my friends. I...