Kindergartners Learn About Halloween Safety from Key Club Members
LHS Key Club members participated in their annual safety talk this Halloween by visiting the Kindergarten Center students, all of whom were eager to celebrate this spooky holiday. The only thing more important than having fun during Halloween is staying safe, which the 15 Key Club representatives made sure the kindergarteners were aware of. They educated the children about crucial safety rules to follow while trick-or-treating. These rules included always staying with a parent, looking both ways when crossing the street, and staying at familiar houses. They also made sure the students knew about the “blue pumpkin”, a sign that families are handing out special treats for children with food allergies. “I hope the kids had a fun reminder on how to be safe this Halloween. I loved the experience, and not wearing a mask this year made it a lot more enjoyable!” Senior Jessica Fowler commented.
Dressed in festive costumes, the students were enthusiastic about the safety rules the high schoolers were teaching them. They were encouraged to ask questions and participate in the lesson by commenting on ways they stay safe during Halloween. Many were excited to have the opportunity to share personal experiences, as well as their plans for trick-or-treating. “The kids were so happy when we walked in with our costumes. Reading them a story and just being there made them so excited,” said Senior Mia Hristodoulou. “It was such a heartwarming experience!”
The kindergarteners were delighted to learn, but they were also excited at the opportunity to display their own knowledge of the subject: “It was fun to talk to the kids and help them learn the safety rules. They already knew some of them, and it was great to see that they know how to have fun and be safe at the same time!” senior Clyde Solide commented. Thanks to Key Club, the KC had a safe and enjoyable Halloween, and the event was a huge success for all who participated.

My name is Emily Franklin, and I am a member of the Class of 2025 and an editor for Horizon. I am part of the Key Club, Birthday Wishes Club, and Mathletes....