Meet the 2022-2023 SGA Slate
Photo courtesy of the SGA Instagram @lynbrooksga
SGA Slate leaders, from left to right: Lunati, Cordes, Geller, and Deninno
Last spring, the Slate leaders for the Student Government Association (SGA) ran unopposed, and they have since assumed their roles for this school year. Each year, the Slate is responsible for leading SGA as they put on various events for both the school and surrounding community, such as the Homecoming parade, Oktoberfest, Human Relations Day, and charity drives. This year’s Slate consists of four seniors: President Gabi Geller, Vice President Alexi Deninno, Secretary Jacob Lunati, and Treasurer Max Cordes.
English teacher and SGA Co-advisor Mary Kirby said, “The Slate’s ultimate responsibility is to create a true sense of belonging for all members of the LHS family. It is their job, through SGA, to create an inclusive environment that represents every aspect of the school.” She continued, “The Slate is responsible for running meetings, delegating responsibilities to the members for each activity, and ensuring that all members of SGA are upholding expectations.”
Kirby believes that this year’s Slate can overcome the challenges of coming back from the pandemic. “They haven’t been able to see SGA in its full form for the past two years, so it’s an adjustment to return back to our previous level. If there’s any group that has the leadership skills to handle it, it’s them,” she explained. “Our recent meetings have left me feeling like we’re on the road to great success.”
Health and physical education teacher Brian Donaldson is co-advising SGA for the first time this year. “It’s big shoes to fill to work alongside Mrs. Kirby, but because it’s such a great group of kids, I know it’s going to be a great year,” he said. “This Slate is a very go-getter group. They work very hard and are doing a great job already.”
When asked why she decided to run for president, Geller said, “In my four years in SGA, I’ve always looked up to Slate; I knew I wanted to work my way up and lead the club one day.” She is looking forward to a great year. “We have Homecoming, Human Relations Day, and other in-person events that the Slate and I are very excited for. Everyone on Slate is very hardworking and dedicated to putting on these great events.” Prior to being Slate president, Geller was the freshman vice president and sophomore and junior president. She participates in three varsity sports: tennis, golf, and kickline. She is also the vice president of the Student Council of Excellence and was CEO of Virtual Enterprise last year.
Deninno says she ran for Slate because she loves being involved in the community. “I get to use my leadership skills and experience from being in SGA for four years to help run the club. Our Slate works very well together as a team, and we’re looking forward to adding new speakers for Human Relations Day, having fun new events throughout the year, and having more interactive fundraisers.” Prior to being Slate vice president, Deninno was treasurer of the freshman class. She participates in varsity swim, kickline, and lacrosse, while also being president of the S.C.O.P.E. club and co-vice president of Key Club.
Lunati has been involved in student government since first joining the student council in third grade at Marion Street. “I love being able to give back to the community. It’s great that I can work as a team with my peers to benefit the school and Lynbrook as a whole,” he says. While he loves all the events that SGA holds, he says his favorite is Human Relations Day: “I get to meet speakers from different backgrounds and see the entire school learn from their experiences.” In addition to his commitment to SGA, Lunati plays varsity football and lacrosse, is a member of Key Club, and serves on the Youth Police Advisory Council.
Cordes said he joined SGA because he is passionate about leadership and serving the community. “I love to partake in community service, so being an SGA Slate member was something I have always been interested in.” He also expressed excitement for Human Relations Day and the Breakfast with Santa. Cordes participates in varsity cross country, basketball, and lacrosse. He is also the president of the new sports media club and films various school events to produce promotional videos.

I am a member of the Class of 2023 and one of the editors-in-chief for the print edition of Horizon. Outside of Horizon, I enjoy running and spending time...