Research Students End the Year with the Annual Science Research Symposium

The Lynbrook High School Research Program was created in 1999. This program consists of four yearlong courses: Introduction to Research, Research Projects 1, Projects 2H, and Projects 3. The goals of the program include academic enrichment and preparation for research-based competitions, including Toshiba ExploraVision, South Asian-American Women’s Association Science Fair, Kathy Belton Science Fair, Go Green Challenge, LISC, LISEF, Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, Regeneron STS, and Intel ISEF.
In the summer before senior year, all students enrolled in the program are expected to conduct a research project with the guidance of PhD mentors. After extensive application processes, these projects are entered into elite national and international science competitions to compete for both scholarships and other prizes.
The Science Research Program has held a symposium annually since 1999. This event displays the students’ work from the year, highlighting the senior research students. The symposium is fully run and planned by the senior research students. It has been virtual in the past due to COVID, but this year, the symposium was back in full swing.
The symposium began promptly at 6:30 pm with senior presentations in the auditorium. Each senior presented the project that he/she worked on during the summer before senior year under a mentor. The senior researchers included Maximo Casares, Elizabeth DiFiore, Kate Dooling, Benjamin Gingold, Samantha Guggino, Tyler Ippolito, Collin Lung, Manaka Ogura, Victoria Martorano, Chloe Moskowitz, Yarielis Pancho-Rivera, and Isabella Sferrazza. This was an opportunity to hear about and celebrate the projects completed by the seniors. After hearing the senior presentations and their accomplishments, sophomore research student Nora Kane shared, “I look forward to planning my senior project and finding labs to work in next year.” Following the senior presentations, the awards the seniors and underclassmen won were announced.
The auditorium presentations were followed by a poster session in the gym. Each research student was required to create a poster displaying the work he/she completed this year. This gave all students an opportunity to present their research to community members while also seeing the work and achievements of their peers. The poster sessions also included both refreshments and a “photo booth.” A new edition to the symposium made by the seniors this year was an opportunity for community members to vote for their favorite poster in each grade.
Freshman Genevieve Dellacona enjoyed being able to see the achievements of her peers: “I loved how interactive and collaborative it was being able to see everyone’s projects.” Junior Juliette Bohn added, “I loved being able to learn about everyone’s projects that they had been working so hard on for months.”
Following the poster session in the gym, freshmen, sophomores, and juniors presented their projects in classrooms. This allowed them to share a more detailed explanation on their research and results completed over the school year. The juniors also presented their plans for their summer projects.
Bohn enjoyed the independence of research this year. “My favorite part of research this year was being able to independently research my own interests and making impactful discoveries that benefit the real world,” she explained. She also enjoyed that the symposium was held in-person after having to present virtually for the past two years.
Dellacona shared about her experiences in going to various in person presentations this year through the research program: “Being able to go and present something that I had worked so hard on was incredibly gratifying because I had put so much work into and was recognized for that.”