Class Night 2022 Prep Kicks Off
LHS is transitioning into the most exciting and anticipated season of the year: Class Night. After the 94-year-old tradition was partially put on hold last year, it is back; and allowing all students to participate.
The Class Night theme is carefully selected by the seniors and is kept secret until the big reveal. The event requires all members of a particular grade to be involved, once the theme is revealed to the public, planning begins immediately. Each grade works together to brainstorm a skit that applies to the theme with the help of the elected chairs and advisors.
Junior chairs Jaiden Moreno and Dylan Baltes are enthusiastic to participate in the event after not being able to last year. “I know everyone is very invested, and I am looking forward to spending the next month with my class,” Moreno said.
“I cannot wait for the grade to unite together!” Baltes added.
Class Night planning begins with the election of Class Night chairs. Each grade holds a vote to appoint two Main Chairs, Art Chairs, Sports Chairs. The Main Chairs are the overseers of the event and take control of the planning. Art Chairs oversee the décor and all the art elements: sets, banners, boxes, and costumes. Sports Chairs prepare their grade for Sports Night, another iconic LHS tradition that takes place in early March. The final judging of Class Night will be based on these three categories.
Sophomore chairs Dea Pulatani and Charles Reis share the same enthusiasm about participating in Class Night for the first time.
“I think all members of the sophomore class can agree that we all feel like freshmen in this situation,” Pulatani said. “I was devastated not being able to participate last year, but I am thrilled to begin planning.”
Reis added, “Nothing can stop the sophomore class!”
A key factor in the overall presentation is music and dancing. Each skit will highlight four dances: a Kickline dance, a girls’ dance, a boys’ dance, and a partner dance. The skits also feature musically talented members to emphasize the skit.
Freshman chairs Peyton Leighley and Jack Cegile are excited to finally be a part of Class Night. “I cannot wait to see the talents my classmates have in store,” Leighley exclaimed. “I am excited to participate in a school-wide event doing what I love most,” Cegile added.
Senior chairs Jaden Harvin and Emma Leighley are feeling sentimental about their last Class Night.
“Class Night is my favorite event of the year,” Leighley said. “I am sad to see it go, but am so excited to begin.” Harvin agreed: “I am excited to put on a great show one last time,” he said.
The final component of Class Night is student involvement. Class Night provides a chance to unite the classes to create something great. The event opens opportunities for all talents to be highlighted with a side of friendly competition.

Hi! My name is Alexis Raynor, and I am a member of the Class of 2024 and a managing editor for Horizon. I love to dance and hang out with my friends. I...