“Childhood Dreams”

Childhood dreams take flight,

Apart from darkness there is only light.

That is all we can see, 

And in reality, we need to be 

Positively uplifting to those 

Whose dreams deserve to fly. 

They tried and tried, 

But still could not get off the runway. 

A one-way trip around the human brain 

Will reveal lots of thoughts and ideas

That a person can contain 

And strain and remain silent about because 

The voice inside their head is telling them:


“You can’t fly.”


If I try, does that 

Deny me of respect and intellect, 

Which one can only get from 

Living and learning and 

Crashing and burning. 

So, tell me one more time that

I can’t fly. 

Because this time I will reply:

I’m going to rise from  

The darkness into the dawn of a 

New day because I may or may not 

Just decide to take the runway 

All the way, to the very end.

And, well, I think you can guess what 

Will happen next.