“Imagination & Determination”
“I wish I could fly!” said the aviator in his cap.
“Don’t be ridiculous. Only birds can do that!”
“I wish I could travel to outer space!”
But her mother said, “Darling, no one could venture to such a place.”
“I wish we could open our own restaurant!” the brothers said, grinning.
“To sell hamburgers and french fries? That’s no way to make a living!”
“But he’s a cute, little mouse on a musical steamboat!”
They laughed, and said, “With an idea like that, your career will never stay afloat!”
Every time it was a no, no matter how many times she tried.
They said, “It’s just not good enough,” and back under the stairs Harry would hide.
He sighed and said, “I wish I could see things more clearly.”
“You can’t fix bad eyes,” they scolded. “Be happy you’re still hearing!”
“I wish I could create light, like the stars in the sky!”
“But you’ve already failed once,” they said, “Why try for another nine hundred and ninety nine?”
“Because it might just work,” said Edison, Ride, Franklin, and McDonald.
So, too, said Disney, Rowling, and every little child
who has a dream and an imagination running wild.
Never discourage a person like this
because those faraway stars might just grant them their wish.

I am a member of the Class of 2023 and the Driftstone editor-in-chief. Along with creative writing, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, getting...