We Lived, We Learned — Life Lessons to Take Out of One Crazy Year

What makes a memory? Is it the good or the bad? While this year has definitely thrown some curveballs and obstacles, it is important for everyone to reflect back upon the good times. 

The students and staff of LHS learned many life lessons this year; below are twenty-one to carry into 2021.

“I learned…

  • …to not take anything for granted. You have to soak up the moments that bring light into your heart because it is those moments that get you through the dark times.” – Physical Education/Health Teacher Jennifer Kramer
  • …that anything is possible, which I mean in both the negative and positive sense. I didn’t think it was possible for us to ever be teaching and learning under these challenging conditions. But, I also didn’t think it possible for us to be so resilient, adaptable, and strong.” – Chorus Teacher Barry Wyner
  • …the importance of boundaries in all aspects of my life: friends, work, and family.” – English Teacher Roseanne Mitchell
  • …the importance of responsibility. This is important for not only submitting work on time but listening to the Covid-19 guidelines. At school, all students and teachers have been very responsible about wearing their masks and maintaining our distance from others.” – Freshman Caroline Larow
  • …to be more focused on schoolwork and to get things done quicker. It also taught me not to take things for granted.” – Freshman Alexis Gingold
  • …to try new things and not always be closed off to things that seem scary at first.” – Freshman Eliza Fucci
  • …to take advantage of every moment, whether it’s with your loved ones, your family, friends, classmates, teachers, or coaches because you never know if you will be able to have that moment tomorrow. Life is too short to not live your life to the fullest and have fun.” – Sophomore Mischa Cabral-Martin
  • …to be grateful for my family, friends, and everyday life because I never know what the next day or year may bring.” – Sophomore Alexi Deninno
  • …to cherish family time more and to not take the little moments for granted. Life is fleeting, and we need to cherish the time we have with the people we love. I am grateful to have been able to spend more time with my immediate family this year, and I value the strength of my family during this stressful and uncertain time.” – Junior Rachel Edelstein
  • …to live every single moment to the fullest you possibly can. During quarantine, all I wanted to do was be with my friends and just laugh and have fun, so I realized it’s so important to just really live and try to remember every little moment because they don’t last forever.” – Junior Lexi Capitali
  • …how connected and dependent we are on others. The coronavirus obviously was very hard on small businesses, and it was really sad to see many of them go out of business. It is important that we work together to defeat the virus.” – Junior Collin Lung
  • …that life has so much to offer. Being cooped up inside for so long, I have begun to imagine all the things that I can do when life returns to normal. I will for sure not take anything for granted and appreciate what I have even more.” – Junior Sophie Ward
  • …that things aren’t always going to be perfect and that sometimes, you just have to deal with the way things are.” – Junior Emma Leighley
  • …that all things come to an end. However, I also learned that I have the power to change the way things end.” – Junior Manaka Ogura
  • …that your life can change in the blink of an eye, and you shouldn’t take anything for granted.” – Junior Kyla Nembach
  • …that you can never take anything for granted and make every moment count.” – Junior Meghan McMahon
  • …that you never know what is coming next. Nobody expected to be doing school how we are or wearing masks everywhere we go. The pandemic is what taught me that you can’t always plan what happens next.” – Junior Sydney Festa
  • …that it is very important to make the best of every situation. 2020 has taken so many things away from us, and it is really easy to just give up on this year. If you can find a way to enjoy yourself in the middle of a pandemic, then you can find a way to be happy in almost any situation.” – Junior Amanda Larrow
  • …to appreciate everything, even the little things in life because you never know when they’ll be gone.” – Senior Sammi Feldman
  • …to enjoy the little things. To make every day in school the best it can be. Always have a positive outlook in difficult situations.” – Senior Marti Candel
  • …to not take anything for granted. I learned how to find value in the little things that happen each day that we ordinarily never notice. Once life returns to normal, I know that everything will be infinitely more exciting.” – Senior Camilla Bahri