“Can’t Stop the…” Concert Choir
The concert choir releases confetti at the end of its pep rally performance
Homecoming fell on the second week of school this year. As such, it approached quite quickly this year. With the first full week of school already filled with spirit week festivities and the football team getting ready for the big game, concert choir had its own performance to plan.
This year, concert choir was asked by English Teacher and Student Government (SGA) Advisor Mary Kirby to perform a song for the pep rally, which was held on Friday of Spirit Week. Learning a full song in less than a week is no easy task.
The students were originally given the song “Home” by Phillip Phillips because of its easy-to-learn melodies and catchy tune that audience members would recognize. Chorus Teacher Barry Wyner said, “I felt ‘Home’ had a strong message to relay to the audience.” Although all members agreed, Wyner and some students later felt that in order to really “pep-up” the audience, they needed to perform a more upbeat song. With limited time, the class decided to go with Justin Timberlake’s popular “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” This is the song that was sung for a show choir performance last March. So, only new, incoming members to concert choir really had to learn the harmonies.
The day of the performance, junior Jimmy Murray and senior Zachary Leder, both members of SGA, staged a conversation to introduce the song as concert choir members from all over the gymnasium appeared from the crowd and ran onto the gymnasium floor to sing. Some returning show choir members joined in too. The performance ended with a bang as all the singers shot confetti into the crowd.