Light of Mine
A flip of a switch, and my light goes on.
Ideas catch the current to the bulb,
illuminating uncertain darkness.
What was unseen, I make visible,
their eyes searched, and now find.
No more do their feet stumble down a dark path,
even their footprints have luster.
I was created to shine for others.
My fixtures vary, my current is curious,
and my light is versatile.
But with any transfer too quick, I blow a fuse.
Life switches its course, and I flicker.
Darkness seeps into my circuit and penetrates its wires.
What was closed is now open,
what was together, now separate.
My light turns dim; its glare cannot shield me.
I am transparent, fragile, vulnerable.
Electrons empower my current, engulfing the wires.
I am frayed, drained, hazed.
I have lost fragments to my bulb;
my cracks tell stories of darker days.
Still my filaments of faith and hope,
can withstand any vile vibrations.
Negative thoughts set my wires ablaze,
stress and rage send sparks to fly.
Yet as quick as a flash,
awareness aids like electrical tape,
channeling the current once again.
Life switches from one day to the next,
from failure to success.
But what Thomas and I both know,
is after ten thousand dark nights,
comes one beautiful afterglow.

I am a member of the Class of 2023 and the Driftstone editor-in-chief. Along with creative writing, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, getting...