“We the People”
We are tired,
We are struggling,
We are angry,
We the People, are unequal.
Lay down your weapons,
And raise your voices,
To be seen, to be heard,
And to make good choices.
Join hands together, both black and white,
United, supported, as one in this fight,
Against racism and injustice, only caused by so few,
Even today, though, a resolution is long overdue.
A solution, a realization, that once and for all,
Wrongdoers be held accountable, and the right ones stand tall,
The uniform one wears should let all know,
That they are honored to serve and protect and to let love grow.
They are there to stop violence,
And keep the peace,
Which is what they would have wanted,
The wrongfully deceased.
We take to the streets,
Our freedom of speech,
So the lawmakers can hear our cries,
Which will only be ceased,
When We the People, are equal.
When our children and grandchildren can live in a world,
Where neither a skin color nor a uniform is falsely judged,
Really, We the People do not ask for much.

I am a member of the Class of 2023 and the Driftstone editor-in-chief. Along with creative writing, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, getting...