Presenting This Year’s SGA Slate Candidates
Voting is now open for the Student Government Association (SGA) election of next school year’s slate as of Tuesday, May 26. Despite the many changes that have come with the coronavirus pandemic, the election process is still the same; it is still being done through Microsoft Forms. As SGA Adviser Mary Kirby explained, the online voting format is very familiar, and voting was done the same way for last year’s slate election and other school votes: “It’s difficult in the spring to take time away from class instruction because of regents and final exams, so we thought of the social media platform last year, and it really works to our benefit.” Ballots can be found in students’ school emails, and voting is open until Thursday, May 28.
The SGA and current slate have been very active during the period of COVID-19 quarantine, using their Instagram account, @LynbrookSGA, to share messages and information with the community. Kirby elaborated, “We put together a number of videos for the student body and the school community’s enjoyment: teachers implementing distance learning, teachers’ HS graduation photos, a compilation of many teachers’ messages to the senior class. We have been very busy trying to lift the spirits up of the students in LHS and the LHS school community.” Along with their Instagram videos, the SGA put together a Read Aloud campaign where SGA members read children’s stories aloud on FlipGrid in hopes of raising the spirits of children during this time.
The elected slate is responsible for leading and representing the SGA through heading tasks such as running meetings, organizing events, and providing for a line of communication between students and administration. There are three slates consisting of four SGA members each running for election.
Slate A is comprised of Joe Giovinco, Maeve Mooney, Emma Leighley, and James Gilmartin. This group has many ideas for events that they would organize if elected. Some of these would include dance marathons, volleyball tournaments, mental health days, and the return of the Human Relations Day Multi-Cultural Lunch. Mooney explained that her slate aims to help LHS get back on track after the trying year everyone has had, and that they will be open to new student ideas. She exclaimed, “Slate A recognizes that although we have many exciting things planned, the student body also has many ideas, so our main goal is to make sure everyone’s voice is heard. We would like to try to incorporate all ideas! If any student has a suggestion, please feel free to come to any Slate A representative and we will make sure it is heard!”
Giovinco is running for the position of president within Slate A. He is a junior who currently holds the position of treasurer of this year’s slate. He feels that the experience of being on the slate makes him qualified and ready to take the position of president, as he stated, “As current slate members, Maeve and I are ready to take on our roles as vice president and president, respectively.” Of his favorite aspects of SGA, he said that he most enjoys Human Relations Day, a popular favorite among SGA members, because of how rewarding it is to see the community enjoying the result of their hard work, and to see all the great speakers. Giovinco commented that he wishes to be elected because “it is an honor to represent my school and community. SGA has been a huge part of my high school experience and really hope to become slate president this year to top it off.”
Mooney is a junior and current slate member who is running for the position of vice president. She, along with Giovinco, feels that her experience makes her a good fit for the position: “I feel this is a perfect role for me because I am very experienced, especially when it comes to slate since this past year, I was the slate secretary! I am confident that I will excel in my position and that all of Slate A will also be a perfect fit for theirs!” Mooney shared that she enjoys planning and running events, especially Human Relations Day and Homecoming week and the pep rally, which she planned alongside Giovinco this year, as it felt amazing to see all their hard work come to life. She also proclaimed her enjoyment and passion for participating in SGA: “I love being involved in the school and community! It is a great way to make sure your voice is heard, along with making sure everyone else’s in the school is as well! I really loved representing the association this past year and hope I can do it again this coming year!”
Leighley is a sophomore running for secretary of Slate A. Leighley stated, “I am running for this position because I think that I am very organized and qualified. I am also very good at note taking and believe that I will lead next year’s SGA in the right direction. I always thought that I was a good leader and I have always wanted to help make our school and community better.” Some of her favorite parts of SGA are Human Relations Day and the Quinn Madeleine 5k, and she looks forward to holding these events and more if elected. She also shared her enthusiasm for being involved in the organization: “I participate in SGA because I have always wanted to help my community and school. We always hold such great events and get to meet so many speakers.”
Gilmartin is a junior who is seeking the position of treasurer because, as he stated, “I feel I have worked very hard and done a lot for the club and want to lead the club and pass the torch for kids on what the club should be like.” He continued, “We have a very dedicated and experienced group, and it’s not so much where we rank, we are all very involved and care about the school and town.” He also shared his gratitude for being a part of SGA: “SGA is a special group, they get called upon in town to volunteer and represent our town for many events, and I’m proud to say that I’m part of it.”
Carly Tucker, Marti Candel, Olivia Dublin, and Lexie Samelson are running as Slate B. If elected, the group plans to organize fundraisers to help provide COVID-19 relief to people who have struggled as a result of it. As Dublin stated, they hope to “be the best slate LHS has seen and to be open to the opinions of everyone.” They are also focused on keeping LHS fun and safe, as Samelson explained, “Our goal as a slate is to keep the school as fun and as enjoyable as we can. Since COVID-19, everyone is very stressed at home and not on their regular schedule. As we come back to school, we want everyone to feel united again and comfortable as an LHS family. We hope to make many improvements to the school and make Lynbrook the best of the best!”
Tucker is Slate B’s presidential candidate. Tucker explained that she is running because she feels she possesses all the necessary qualities to effectively lead the school. She is a junior who has been involved in SGA since freshman year. She shared that she greatly enjoys everything that the club has done, especially the ping pong tournament and Human Relations Day. She further shared her love of SGA: “I love being a part of the school and the community. I feel I work well with other people and I think our slate is the perfect group of four girls to lead this school!”
Candel is a junior running as the vice president of her slate because, as she explained, “I have experience in that position freshman year and love to contribute and help the whole team!” She also exclaimed that she loves SGA, and she especially enjoys Human Relations Day because of the “opportunity to learn from such amazing people, and it leaves a lasting impact.” Candel stated that it is clear how effective the club is, and she always wanted to be a part of it: “I want to be a part of the school’s slate because I would love to continue SGA leadership and expand upon it. I thrive on challenges and would love to bring forth that attribute towards LHS.”
Dublin hopes to attain the position of secretary for Slate B. Dublin is a junior who feels that her traits of being organized and orderly make her a good fit for the job, and that she would be great at keeping track of attendance and meetings. She expressed great enthusiasm about coming back to the LHS family and continuing traditions she loves such as the ping pong tournament and Human Relations Day. Dublin commented, “We are always bleeding green and gold and want to continue and greater improve our involvement in SGA and the school.” She continued, “I participate in slate elections because I have a great amount of respect for the SGA and everything we do and offer. I am greatly involved and would love to be even more involved in the future of LHS.”
Samelson, a junior, is running for treasurer of her slate. She feels that she is very organized and responsible, and she looks forward to helping the school and club with finances and keeping track of all the fundraisers, as well as making sure everyone is involved, even those not in SGA. She shared that one of her favorite events is Human Relations day, and she is very excited for incoming freshmen and returning students to be able to enjoy it upon the return to school, stating, “It is absolutely the best day LHS has, and no one would want to miss it!” Samelson described how much she values SGA and the experiences it’s given her, and the leadership and responsibility she has taken on as a result of being a part of it. She stated, “Student Government has taught me so many things for the past three years that I think everyone should experience. Slate elections are just an extra step taken by my future slate and I of leadership that we hope to take part in. We all have so much respect for LHS and the Student Government and everything it offers!”
Slate C consists of Sammi Feldman, Caleb Strull, Gabi Geller, and Matt Sollitto. Some of their ideas that would be executed if elected include a year-round food drive, COVID-19 relief drives, and Varsity vs. Alumni games for several sports. Sollitto elaborated, “Slate C has many great things in store if elected. One of which is an alumni game for each sport that includes current and alumni players from the sport so we can bring the community together by having the alumni relive their high school sports. Also, we have many COVID-19 drives that would take place for the front-line workers”
Feldman is a junior seeking election as the president of Slate C. She explained why she feels she is right for the job: “I am a qualified leader that will be able to lead our school in a positive, impacting way next year. I am always willing to help out at any point in the day and complete the tasks.” She expressed that she loves being able to help school and community members and being a leader through SGA. She has been an active member of SGA throughout high school, and has taken great pride in the experience, as well as made cherished memories. She commented, “It makes me so happy to see the smiles on everyone’s faces during the events we plan year-round and all the spirit our school has. Being a part of this has always been a great experience throughout every moment and I would love to be able to help lead the way next year.”
Slate C’s candidate for vice president is Strull, a junior. Strull hopes to come back strong after the unexpected challenges that COVID-19 brought by making next year a great year for LHS with his slate. He hopes to be able to have a fun-filled year with new events for the school and community.
Geller is a sophomore running for slate secretary, as she wants to take a more active role in SGA and further her involvement in LHS in the next school year. Some of her favorite things that she has done for SGA include Human Relations Day, breakfast with Santa, Rock and Wrap it Up, and the winter celebration. Geller explained her motivation to be involved in SGA: “I participate in SGA and the slate elections because I have a strong passion for LHS and want to improve what we do every year. I also love being a leader and making sure everyone’s voices are heard.”
Sollitto is a sophomore who seeks to attain the position of treasurer of his slate. He stated, “My fellow slate members and I would really love to make a positive impact on LHS and make everything possible as long as we put our minds to it.” His favorite parts of SGA include Human Relations Day, breakfast with Santa, and the ping pong tournament. He also described why he is a part of SGA and slate elections: “I participate in SGA because it is a group of a bunch of hard working and kind students and we would love to make LHS the best it can possibly be. The slate elections also give a selective number of students the shot of running the school and hearing out new ideas while also being the best of the best.”

I am the editor-in-chief for and a member of the Class of 2021 at Lynbrook High School. In my free time, I like to swim, run, and play music.