Teacher Feature: Kevin Tranchina

Living Environment and Chemistry Teacher Kevin Tranchina has certainly won over the hearts of the students at LHS. Tranchina has been teaching for six years, a majority of this time at LHS. He has been a wonderful addition to the science program, winning admiration from his students throughout his years.

Tranchina is a true Long Islander. Born in Massapequa, he attended St. Dominic High School in Oyster Bay. After graduating, he attended the University of Maryland and majored in science. While at school, he worked on many research projects on topics that interested him. It was not until his sister-in-law asked him to speak at his high school for career day that he realized his true passion in life: teaching.

“I went to that career fair with no expectations,” said Tranchina. Much to his surprise, he loved speaking. The students were in awe and fully immersed in what he had to tell them. “I remember the kids wondering whether I was cutting brains of real or fake mice. I got a kick out of it,” explained Tranchina. After that speech, he began to wonder if research was the path for him, or if he was meant to do something else.  

“I began immediately looking at graduate schools,” said Tranchina. Teaching soon became his new calling in life. He completed his time at the University of Maryland with a graduate degree in science and later went to Molloy College and earned a graduate degree in teaching. Soon after, his teaching career began to take off.

In the five years that Tranchina has taught at LHS, he has certainly made his mark on the student body. Previously, he taught chemistry and biology. “I don’t have a favorite area to teach, but biology is freer than chemistry. Chemistry is very tough for students,” said Tranchina.  Tranchina combats the issues that arise in a challenging course with his immense involvement. He can be seen at any event, whether it be the ping pong tournament or a basketball game (you cannot miss him with his bright yellow jacket). He is the coordinator of the Science Olympiad Club, which has participated in multiple academic competitions, and he is one of the classnight advisors for the Class of 2020.

The students have only positive things to say about Tranchina. Junior Ryan Marrione commented, “He has a profound devotion to his students and to the subject as well. He is constantly interested in what is going on in the school and his environment. He is active in the scientific community as well. Plus, he has an incredible Instagram.” Tranchina never disappoints as he is always encouraging his students to do the best they can. “He has always found a way to make class fun for everyone and has such a positive attitude. He always will make the time for his students to give them any help they need,”explained senior Charles Gebbia.

“The students here are just incredible. Our school can put others to shame,” expressed Tranchina. His devotion to teaching and his love for the community is heartwarming to say the least. He is truly one of the many amazing teachers at LHS.


  • Movie- That Thing You Do
  • Book – To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
  • TV Show – The Blacklist
  • Food – Either grilled cheese or Chinese food (depends on the mood)
  • Song – “How’s It Going to Be?” by Third Eye Blind
  • Sports Team – Baseball: Yankees or Hockey: Capitals
  • Band/Musician/Genre – Rocco Deluca and The Burden
  • Hobbies/Pastimes – drawing, wishing he had more time to read, insane comic book collection
  • Snack- cheeseballs
  • Play – Little Shop of Horrors
  • Color – Green


  • What are your favorite words? – Antediluvian and portmanteaus
  • What are some of the most common things you say in class? – “Eyes up here, temperature equals average kinetic energy”
  • What is your favorite curse word substitute? – Mr. Falcon/ Señor Falcon
  • What sound do you love the most? – my nieces laughing
  • What sound do you hate more than anything? – nails on a chalkboard
  • What profession would you never want to be? – any of those jobs on Dirty Jobs
  • If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say at the pearly gates? – “Class of 2020 should’ve won classnight.”