Are Fitness Tests Necessary?
Fitness tests are a series of physically demanding tasks that are administered by high school physical education teachers and coaches. They are required by many schools to assess the athletic strengths and weaknesses of a student. While some believe that the tests are extremely unnecessary, others strongly support the administration of fitness assessments in physical education (P.E) classes. Fitness tests are notorious for being dreaded by some students, but despite the unpopular opinions regarding the assessments, they have been required for many years and show no signs of being near extinction.
Many believe that the tests are valuable to students. Not surprisingly, most P.E teachers are in favor of fitness testing. They think that it provides a base for learning simple activities that promote healthy lifestyles. Physical Education Teacher Doreen Combs stated, “Teaching fitness is probably the most important concept a student can learn at school.” She further stated, “Once taught the basics, you can choose a variety of ways to keep your body healthy and strong.” While Combs demonstrated true knowledge regarding physical education, her answer as to why fitness tests are necessary was quite simple, saying, “Just like in all subjects, [physical education] teachers test to see how well our students understand the concepts of fitness and if they are implementing them into everyday life.” Further, many feel physical fitness is important to every student, regardless of gender, race, or any other social barrier. Educators believe in the importance of a healthy lifestyle and believe fitness tests promote this.
Although physical education teachers provide a valid argument as to why the assessments are essential, many students disagree. The tests are difficult for many students, and while some successfully complete the assigned task, there are others who cannot. Junior Jake Belmont said, “I feel sorry for the kids that can’t pass the test.” Students who fail to receive full credit on fitness tests can get embarrassed by having to perform athletically in front of their peers. Belmont further stated, “During push up and sit up exams, the students that can’t finish get called out to tell the teacher their score. That can be degrading for someone.” High school students struggle in various ways to fit in. Physical education is supposed to be a fun, relaxed break in a student’s hectic day, perhaps fitness tests do not promote that. Sophomore Natalia Leszczak ferociously stated, “It is hard enough to worry about passing tests in major classes; why would I want to worry about taking fitness test that I know I will fail?” Students are burdened with tons of stress and anxiety, so many feel the fitness tests add to that issue. Just like any other class, there are students who excel or struggle with physical education. The divide in regards to being in favor of fitness tests or against them seems to lie between students who struggle and those who do not; those who struggle are not in favor of fitness assessments. Many students feel self-conscious because they fail to receive full credit on the tests. The obvious downside of fitness tests is the pressure that it puts on students.
For the most part, educators and students stand on opposing sides of the issue of Fitness Tests. Physical Education teachers believe that the tests provide a basis for a growing healthy lifestyle, while students believe that fitness tests are a hassle and at times discouraging. Regardless of someone’s opinion, the assessments are still a requirement that must be followed. Fitness tests are a controversial topic, and that debate shows no signs of coming to an end in the near future.

I am a member of the Class of 2021. I play football, lacrosse, and run track. I am in Key Club and student government.