Students Share Summer Plans for 2019
Photo by Daniel Frese from Pexels
The beautiful landscape of Albania
With the end of yet another successful school year growing nearer, the LHS community is getting ready for the summer season. Some students may be traveling to a foreign land to experience a new culture; others may choose to stay local and enjoy summer in the comforts of their own home. While both options can be equally as thrilling and enjoyable in their own ways, some students are choosing to expand their educational opportunities over the summer in some fascinating ways.
Junior Djellza Pulatani will be honoring a family tradition by visiting Albania this summer. However, Pulatani will be doing more than simply visiting relatives while in the country. “I will be hosting seminars on feminism, consent, and girls’ education. I will be having these seminars to educate and teach the Albanian society the benefits of feminism in third-world countries that do not prioritize women’s education,” Pulatani explained. As a member of the Girl Up club at LHS, she understands the importance of feminism in all situations, especially in those where women’s rights and education are not a societal priority. Pulatani hopes to share her knowledge and beliefs with the young women of Albania in an effort to expand feminism worldwide. Along with this trip, Pulatani will be attending the 10 day Law and Trial program at Stanford University in order to study the judicial system, more specifically the trials and proceedings.
Along similar lines, junior Julie Lampert has decided to further her educational opportunities through a college program this summer. “I will be participating in a six-week science program at the University of California, Santa Barbara. UCSB’s Research Mentorship Program gives students the opportunity to do an independent research project in one of UCSB’s many labs,” said Lampert. Along with her science studies, Lampert will live on-campus and experience college life at UCSB. “I am so excited to see the UCSB campus and to meet new people who are interested in science.”
Junior Isabelle Weiss will also be furthering her education this summer at Barnard College, Columbia University. The program is run by Oxbridge Academic Programs, which has campuses throughout Europe and the United States. Weiss will study criminology and minor in speech and debate. “My particular program is called the New York College Experience. During the program, I, along with countless other students from around the world, will be living on campus like regular college students and attending our major and minor courses.” Outside of classes, she will have the opportunity to explore NYC’s large variety of markets, festivals, landmarks, and more, giving her the opportunity to play tourist. “Of course, I’ll also have plenty of on-campus activities and time to visit other parts of New York, too. The program even takes us to visit different local colleges like UPenn, Brown, Vassar, city schools, and more. The program’s a month long, starting at the end of June. I just can’t wait!”
No matter what you are doing this summer, remember to relax, destress, and enjoy your time off while it lasts, for soon enough it will be September again.