The Reusable Water Bottle Trend

In light of the rising environmental movement, plastic water bottles are becoming an object of the past. An increasing amount of people are switching to using reusable water bottles, a more environmentally friendly option. Even though cheap water bottles are easily found, it has become a trend to buy expensive water bottles with prices ranging from $40 to $200. With brands like S’well and HydroFlask, many people have found an odd satisfaction in buying pleasing-looking water bottles.

According to Refinery 29 (, “While there are plenty of inexpensive, bare-bones options out there…companies like S’well… rely on the fact that people are willing to pay a premium for a product that’s not only high-quality but also aesthetically pleasing.” It is a common trend for people to buy expensive water bottles, more specifically HydroFlasks, which are generally priced around $55, and put stickers on them as a way to express themselves. Alicia Alvarez, a junior, responded to this trend: “It’s definitely a trend, and people do it to make themselves seem more in. I don’t think many people pay attention to it, though. If I see someone with one, I’m just like, ‘Okay.’” According to an article from The Atlantic’s website (, “If you dig a little deeper, you find that these bottles sit at a crossroads of cultural and economic forces that shape Americans’ lives far beyond beverage choices. If you can understand why so many people would spend 50 bucks on a water bottle, then you can understand a lot about America in 2019.”

The main factor that started this reusable water bottle trend was the idea of sustainability and helping to save the environment; much like the new trend of metal straws. “I think since everyone has [a HydroFlask], everyone else thinks that they need one, too. I think everyone is more aware about single use plastic and trying to save the planet,” commented junior Daisy Puca. This is a positive thing because, in the end, it encourages people to use environmentally safe options, whether they do it to help the environment or to keep up with the latest trends. Olivia Erndl, a junior, stated, “I got mine because I saw other people had it, but I liked it; and it became very convenient for sports and everyday life.” Shannon DeMarinis, a junior, added, “I got a HydroFlask in middle school for sports to keep my water cold, and I liked it so much that I got another one for every day just to have.”

All in all, it is a small thing that gives so many people joy. In what can seem like a person’s mundane, everyday routine, something as minute as a nice water bottle, possibly with stickers on it, can vitalize their whole day, not to mention, it allows more people to be proactive about the environment, whether they realize it or not.