Meet the Slates: SGA Slate Elections

Slate A

Slate B

Slate C
Voting will open for the Student Government Alliance (SGA) Slate elections at LHS on Monday, June 10. The purpose of slate elections is for the student body to select the slate officers for SGA for the next school year. Mary Kirby, English teacher and SGA adviser, explained, “The Slate is a long tradition in the Lynbrook High School Student Government Organization. It is comprised of student leaders who have served on the SGA for one year or more and who would like to govern as the leader representatives of the organization. The slate runs the SGA meetings, creates and delegates all events, and works closely with Mr. Rainis in order to have a constant line of communication between the student body and the high school administration and staff.” Three slates are running to be elected: Slate A, Slate B, and Slate C.
Slate A consists of Jake Belmont, Caroline Ridings, Maeve Mooney, and Joe Giovinco. This slate’s platform is centered around charity and giving back to the community. Belmont explained some of the group’s ideas: “We want to have a students versus teachers basketball game and a dance competition at LHS, along with many other fun ideas for the whole school where the proceeds will go to charity and help the community in a fun way for all. We have such a great love for LHS and the community, and we want to give back in any way possible. We also have many ideas to keep SGA running smoothly from the inside.”
Belmont is running as president of his slate. He is a junior who has been a member of SGA for three years. His motivation to participate in slate elections was his love for LHS and SGA. “I am running for president because I enjoy the responsibility that comes with being a leader. I know that I can step up and take control and make many great things happen at our wonderful school. I am very dedicated and hard-working, so I love a position that fits that. I know the people around me on my slate and the rest of the SGA will make my job very easy if we win because of how great everyone is in the club so I am very excited for the upcoming year if we are elected and know many great things will come,” said Belmont.
Ridings is the candidate for vice president in her slate. She has been the class secretary for the Class of 2020 for three years and wanted to take a higher role in the slate this year. Ridings described her participation in SGA: “I have always enjoyed being involved in my community and with my peers. With all of the fundraising, community service, and activities that SGA has to offer, I take a sense of pride representing LHS and all the amazing opportunities that it has to offer.”
Mooney is running for secretary of Slate A. She is a sophomore and is running because she feels she is “very strong in communication, organization, and scheduling.” She expressed that she is participating in slate elections because she wants everyone to be able to be more involved and have a voice in the school.
Giovinco hopes to attain the position of treasurer of his slate. He is also a sophomore and was the class president for the Class of 2021 this year. He described his slate as active and enthusiastic and looked forward to potentially representing LHS as a part of it. He commented, “I participate in SGA because, as Mrs. Kirby always says, it represents ‘the best of the best.’ It is an honorable position and I, along with the rest of my slate, hope to take my position to the next level by winning this year’s elections.”
Melissa Rugova, Jordan Lunati, CJ Solitto, and Djellza Pulatani are running as Slate B. The members of this slate took responsibility for the organization of this year’s Homecoming events, and they hope to bring back the tradition of the Homecoming dance if elected. Another goal of the group is to take initiative against excessive plastic use within the community. In their platform, they stated, “We have attended all of SGA’s events and stood as leaders of the club. The four of us have truly embodied the spirit that SGA radiates.”
Rugova is running as president of Slate B. She is a junior who has been her class’s president for the past two years. She aims for her team to bring the community together further. “I participate in SGA because it shows how everyone can come together to make our community a better place. SGA is very influential, and it is overall an amazing experience,” said Rugova.
Lunati seeks to hold the position of vice president. She has held this position for three years and wants to continue. She explained, “Ever since freshman year, I have loved to participate in the elections and show what I and my peers have to offer this school. Slate B is the perfect group to represent our school and make sure that everyone has a safe and fun environment to come to every day.”
Solitto, a junior, is running for secretary of the slate. He said, “I chose this position because I am very organized, can generate ideas for fundraisers, and enjoy hearing what everyone has to say.” He was his class secretary last year and enjoyed holding this position. He described raising money for the community’s charities and organizations as very important to him: “I am a huge team player and love giving back to my community. I am running in the Slate elections because I view myself as a spokesperson and leader of my class and would be honored to represent LHS if elected.”
Pulatani is a junior who is running as treasurer for her slate. She decided to run for this position because she believes she is extremely experienced in handling finances, of which a treasurer deals with the majority of. She feels that SGA is “the most important club in the high school.” She explained, “SGA is responsible for several events held in Lynbrook, and in a lot of ways I feel that SGA strengthens the community’s unity. I love being in SGA and have always been very participative. Running for slate will just take that to the next level!”
Slate C is made up of Alexa Ippolito, Jolie Gutstein, Olivia Dublin, and Lexie Samelson. Slate C seeks to “improve the safety, happiness, and satisfaction of our students and staff at LHS,” as stated in their platform. They hope to plan fundraisers for local charities and the school, such as a dance marathon.
Ippolito is a junior who is running for president within her slate. She commented, “I am running for president because I would like to ensure that the SGA continues success for Lynbrook High School.” She also emphasized the importance of taking an active role of leadership within the school.
Gutstein is running for vice president of Slate C. She is a junior who is running because she would like to “continue to achieve success as both the SGA and Lynbrook High School.” She hopes to be a positive influence and a leader in the school to inspire change that will be beneficial to LHS’s success.
Dublin is a sophomore and Slate C’s candidate for secretary. She explained why she ran for this position: “I am very organized and believe I would be great at keeping track of members’ attendance and what is happening at our meetings.” Her goal is to become more involved in making decisions that affect the school and to make a positive impact on the future of LHS.
Samelson is running for treasurer of her slate. She is a sophomore who believes that her organization skills make her a good fit for this position. She wants to encourage people to participate in fundraisers and events. She commented, “I feel like I can make a change in the school and give great ideas to improve the school. I am also a good leader and love to give ideas for new things we can try to make us a better club. I participate in slate elections because, as a club, we can make things for the school so much better, so as an individual, I love to contribute to making the school the best of the best.”

I am the editor-in-chief for and a member of the Class of 2021 at Lynbrook High School. In my free time, I like to swim, run, and play music.