My (Anti-) Social Media Experiment

Jessica Sanders

Victoria Donovan is happy to be back on social media.

Victoria Donovan, Staff

As a 14-year-old in 2017, social media is a big part of my life. It is the first thing I look at in the morning and the last thing I see at night. However, when presented with the opportunity in Journalism class, I challenged myself to see exactly what would happen if I cut social media out of my life for a week.

Initially, I thought I was going to give up social media for a few days, at most three. When I was asked to give it up for a week, I panicked. I definitely did not think I would be able to do it. Everything I did was on social media. As soon as I get home, I typically run in my room and stay there until dinner, just scrolling through Instagram and Snapchatting my friends.

On Thursday, November 30 at 10:30 pm (to be exact), I deleted all social media apps on my phone. It was difficult knowing I would not talk to some of my friends for a week.

Friday morning was very strange. My routine in the morning is to check my phone, but I did not have anything to check!

During school, I went on a field trip to Arthur Avenue. The bus ride felt very long and boring because all of my friends were on social media. It was a little awkward to just sit there, watching everyone on his/her phone. Many of my friends kept making fun of me and bringing up the fact that I did not have access to social media. During the trip, the teachers were telling kids to get off their phones. Once all my friends put their phones away, we all had a good time, and we actually talked to each other.

On Friday night, I decided to go ice skating at Grant Park. It was very difficult not to re-download snapchat and Instagram because all of my friends were posting. Again, I felt a little left out while everyone was on their phones.

Like Friday morning, the first night without social media was a very strange. Usually, I will stay up very late on my phone. It was very strange for me to just turn off my light and go to sleep.

The entire weekend was very boring. I had no plans; it was a stay-home weekend. Normally, on a weekend like that, I would be on my phone the entire time. Instead, I actually watched a movie. I never pay attention to movies because of my phone.

On Saturday night, I went out to dinner. It was very nice not to be distracted by all of the notifications that would normally come through my phone. I was able to enjoy dinner with my dad without talking to other people.

On Sunday, I re-watched Stranger Things. It got to the point where I downloaded five games on my phone because I was so bored without social media.

During the week, I did not sit in my room all night like I usually do. I caught up on shows and found embarrassing old pictures with my mom.

This experiment being over is a blessing and a curse. Honestly, I feel like I could have kept going with this. It was a really great experience. I felt immensely happier during the week without social media. I talked to my parents. You read that right; I talked to them as in actual conversation. I did not hide away in my room.

I definitely feel like I will do this again. I normally get so caught up on my phone that sometimes I do not realize things around me. I had so much more fun with my friends because I was not talking to other people online, only those I was with.

I am disappointed in myself because as soon as I got access to all social media accounts, I was immediately back to sitting in my room, barely coming out. I wish that I had not downloaded them all at one time because I feel that if I had not, I would not have gone back to sitting in my room.

Everybody should try this experiment. I bet many, like me, would be so much happier if they were not so attached to their phones.