Students in Señor Luzzi’s AP Spanish classes got a taste of authentic Spanish culture when they traveled to La Nacional Restaurant in the West Village on Thursday, Jan. 16. The restaurant is housed in a brownstone at the crossroads of Greenwich Village, Chelsea, and the Meatpacking district, welcoming both tourists and locals who are looking to embrace Spanish culture and its flavorful cuisine. “The restaurant was small and homey, which I liked because I felt connected to the performers,” senior Gabe Lewner noted.
The students found their seats around the tablao (the wooden stage where the flamenco dance is performed) and were greeted by the sounds of the guitarist, or toque. As the show began, Tortilla Española—a Spanish omelet made with egg, potato, and onion—was served, followed by chicken paella. Paella, one of the most famous Spanish meals, is a rice dish that includes vegetables, saffron, chicken, or seafood.
Although most common in Seville, Spain, the Flamenco’s roots are intricate; the dance developed from a blend of Andalusian Roma and Moorish cultures. Each performance consists of the cante (song) and the baile (dance) that incorporates both cultures, along with added Spanish aspects. The students first watched the performers, then were invited to attempt the flamenco themselves. Senior Charisse Cueto was inspired by the dancer’s message: “I loved that she analogized dancing to learning Spanish; once you acquire the moves and the structure—much like Spanish grammar and vocabulary—through practice, you have plenty of ways to express yourself spontaneously.” The baile consists of hand, foot, arm, and torso movements to create a fluid motion that reflects the emotion of the story told by the cante. “I was impressed by how the dancer’s toes tapped the ground for a split second, and her heels the next,” Cueto added. The performers helped the students move to the rhythm. “As a dancer, it was interesting to learn about the Spanish traditions that the flamenco holds,” junior Hayden Rosa expressed. Rosa and other students also had the opportunity to join the performers on the tablao, where they put their newly developed skills to the test. “I’m not typically a dance guy, but I instantly felt connected to the music and confident in my flamenco skills,” senior Andrew Malinka reflected.
As the show concluded, students enjoyed a popular Spanish dessert: churros, dipped in decadent chocolate ganache. “[The churros] along with the entire experience made me feel like I was transported to a restaurant in Spain,” Rosa said. She expressed her gratitude for the hospitality of the performers and staff: “They were all so welcoming and eager to share their culture.”