A major component of high school is testing. Whether it is tests, quizzes, or even projects, these assessments can be overwhelming for students and cause immense feelings of anxiety. However, because of finals, Regents, and AP exams, stress particularly begins to swell during exam season.
“Exams can be stressful for any student but especially those in more rigorous courses such as Advanced Placement classes and college-level courses,” explained junior Aidan Pearsall. “This, paired with many tests on the same day, makes tests very stressful,” he added. Being enrolled in advanced classes puts an immense load of pressure on students to succeed and achieve the best grades possible. However, this unrealistic goal is detrimental to students, which is why it is important to prioritize one’s mental health during stressful times such as exams. Senior Jacqueline Thayer said, “AP Exams can be stressful since they determine if I can earn college credit or not. All my hard work leads up to the exam.”
In order to maintain one’s mental health, it is important to also keep physical health in mind. Pearsall’s testing day tip is to “eat a good breakfast and sleep well.” This is essential to not only have a healthy mind but a healthy body. As mentioned by The Jed Foundation in its article entitled “Six Ways to Take Care of Yourself During Exam Time,” “getting the recommended amount of sleep allows the brain to regenerate in turn helping exam performance. Fueling your body with high quality foods also helps you to concentrate and focus better.”
Next, it is important to take brain breaks. Heidi Borst, author of “Six Ways to Take Care of Yourself During Exam Time,” recommends taking a walk to change one’s scenery, taking deep breaths, listening to music, or taking a nap. This can allow the brain to relax and then refocus on studying. Similarly, it is important to stretch and move between studying. By participating in physical activity between study sessions, the brain has time to re-energize and become more alert.
Furthermore, it is important to be prepared for the exam. Beginning to prepare a few days before instead of the night before can help to reduce stress. “Students can cope with the stress of exams by not waiting until the last minute to study. Students can study the parts of the unit gradually to ensure they do their best without added stress,” Thayer added.
Ultimately, it is important to prioritize mental health during exams. By taking time for oneself, eating healthy, exercising, and taking breaks, it is possible to maintain healthy mind and body habits, which will alleviate stress during tests.