Day 1 – November 9, 2011: For years, I’ve been researching a certain lake that I have only heard in folk tales. It’s about a pond that can transport you to the world of dreams. The lake is so still it almost looks solid, you can even see your own reflection. I have left my home and decided to go and live in various jungles and forests for some time. In the folk tales, it did not really specify an individual forest or how it should look. You might be asking why a young adult like me is looking for something so childish.Well, this realm of dreams speaks about being able to create your wildest desire through this pond. There is something, someone, that I wanted to see, but I never met them. I have heard amazing things about them and I really would love to meet them.
Day 12 – November 20, 2011: It has been a few days and I have stayed in two forests already. I have a few more that I still would like to investigate. Hopefully, I will be able to find it soon. It will begin to turn cold soon, although I have prepared for this. The past two forests that I have checked did have some ponds, but they didn’t look the way that the pond is described in the folk tales. Still, I went into the water just to look. Of course, it didn’t work, so I moved on. I surely hope that this expedition is not in vain; it’s my only chance.
Day 30 – December 8, 2011: I have been through six jungles and forests and still have found no pond that leads to the dream realm. I’m starting to lose hope quickly. There are only two forests left that I haven’t checked out yet, and the chance that the pond is in one of the two is very slim. I don’t know what I’ll do if this ends up being a waste of time.
Day 45 – December 23, 2011: I don’t know where to begin in this entry. While I was walking in the last forest I was examining, I saw something glimmering out of the corner of my eye. I went to go see what it was, and to my surprise it was the pond. It was beautiful and exactly like how it was described in the folk tales. It almost looked like if I put my hand into the water, it wouldn’t have gone through. I went straight back to my camp, packed all of my things, and went back to the pond. I first put my hand in to see what would happen, it was almost as if my whole hand just disappeared. I took my hand out and took a step into the pond. The moment I stepped into the pond, I fell straight down. Almost more than halfway down into the pond, I started to flip upside-down and ended up on the other side.
Day 55 – January 2, 2012: I have been here for a few days, and luckily I have found a place to stay. This place is almost nothing like I had imagined. In the folk tales that I read, it spoke about a beautiful place where anything could happen. The dream realm has things that are beautiful and also things that are pretty creepy. Throughout my stay here, I have been trying to figure out if this is a place where all of our dreams are, and if they all live together in some sort of weird harmony. Or, if this is a place where things that can’t reside in our world go to. While this place is called the dream realm, it doesn’t necessarily have to be the place of our dreams. I mean, I have seen many creatures and places that seem impossible to have come from a human mind.
Day 67 – January 12, 2012: Some creatures that I have seen are some of the ones you would expect, like fairies, mermaids, dragons, elves, and griffins. Others are just plain terrifying. To give an example, I had the amazing pleasure of meeting a basilisk. Now, if you don’t know what a basilisk is, it’s similar to a really large snake. They are very territorial, and will attack anyone who comes into their habitat. That was an experience I would like to never go through again. Luckily, I got away pretty easily. I was staying in a sorceress’ house; her name is Ella, and her magic can heal others. I met her the day after I arrived. I was very lost and had no idea where I was going, but she helped me. The person I want to see lives in basilisk territory. Even though this is the dream realm, things won’t just pop out of thin air. I must venture into dangerous lands to find them.
Day 80 – January 27, 2012: I have been on this path for a while, but in a week all of this will be worth it. I must now reach a field, completely isolated from the rest of this dreamscape. Pixies live there, and have the power to allow others to see people that have died, but the spell may only be performed once. The only problem is that they won’t do it to every person, you must convince them that you are worthy. The person that I’ve been wanting to see is my grandmother. She had died a few months before I was born, and she had always wanted grandchildren. When she heard my mother was having me, she was so excited. I just want to see her, even if it’s only once.
Day 90 – February 6, 2012: I did it; I convinced the pixies to let me see my grandmother, and it was wonderful. The spell didn’t last long, so I told her everything that I could in the little time that we had. I told her all of the nice things I’ve heard about her, and how I wish she was still alive so that I could spend more time with her. I gave her a hug, and then she was gone.