Highlighting the 2024-2025 fall and winter sports seasons, the Bern Seiderman Gallery presented a unique new exhibit, featuring the sports photography of juniors Aidan Pearsall and Luke Pignataro. Both Pearsall and Pignataro were eager to share their newest works with the community.
Art teacher Michael Kunz explained the inspiration behind January’s exhibit: “Mrs. Burke, who does photography herself, noticed the work that the students were doing and came to me talking about ways we can recognize the sports photography that is happening at LHS. We decided on having a rotating display of six photos that will be on display by the ramp down to the gym corridor [after the exhibit concludes]. I thought that the gallery show would be a great way to announce the new installation and include more of the students’ photography.”
Pearsall began pursuing sports photography during his sophomore year, motivated by his younger brother, Nolan, now a freshman at LHS. “When [Nolan] joined the volleyball team, I turned to my mom and said, ‘Well, I am already going to his games, why don’t I just bring a camera and take photos?’” he shared. “Ever since then, I have been taking pictures with no regrets,” Pearsall added.
Pearsall credited much of his growth and learning to a few different people. His mom offered guidance on specific moments during a game to focus on, while senior sports photographer Sean Strohofer provided tips on editing software and the best vantage points for various sports. He also learned from Class of 2023 alumna Sofia Yaker. Yaker is now a sophomore at the University of Georgia where she is part of her college’s photography team. “Sofia taught me about sports photography after [she graduated] high school and [learning] how to have the chance to be part of [a college’s] photography team has been so rewarding,” Pearsall reflected.
Pignataro’s journey into sports photography, as well as videography, also began in his sophomore year. Inspired by Class of 2023 alumnus Max Cordes, Pignataro decided to get into the field. “[Max’s] work really got my attention and made me want to do something like [him],” he shared. In addition to learning from Cordes, Pignataro utilized informational videos on YouTube and hands-on practice. “[Photography] is a form of art just as much as painting a picture,” Pignataro explained. “Also from just experience, learning and doing is way better than sitting and looking at stuff online. [It is important to] factor in many things such as lighting, position, and settings on your physical camera.”
Both Pearsall and Pignataro are members of Sports Media Club, where they also share their exceptional photography. “Sports Media Club focuses on all things media related. In the past, we have done student interviews, along with making graphics for the @LBKOwls Instagram page,” Pearsall explained. Pignataro added, “Sports Media [Club] is a direct connection from the students to the internet and [tries] to gain presence at athletic events in Lynbrook. [We make] graphics to gain attention to events and make them a better experience for the athletes.”
For Pearsall, sports photography is all about connection. “It makes you feel like part of a team,” he shared. “Being able to sit and talk to the [athletes] about their sport and learn about it makes it worthwhile to me.” Pignataro appreciates the challenges and fulfilment that comes with photography: “I enjoy [sports photography] because it is something different than most. It [includes] decent amounts of work and is a privilege to be able to work with the sports teams and not let anyone down. Coach Yaker really makes it very special to work with Lynbrook football.”
Reflecting on the exhibit, Pearsall recalled, “I was so excited when receiving word from Mr. Kunz about him being interested. When I finally got to see the gallery on an off period, I was so proud of what was done and [am] glad that people [are now able] to see the work put into [these photos].” Pignataro shared similar sentiments: “I am honored to have Mr. Kunz ask me to show my work in the gallery. A unique thing that I do being presented to the whole school feels very good and makes me very proud.” Kunz also praised the exhibit: “I really like the exhibit. I think that is a great way to combine athletics and art and [to] highlight the work of the sports photographers.”
Looking ahead, Pearsall plans to continue sports photography throughout his junior and senior years. Beyond high school, he hopes to pursue photography as a hobby or freelance work. Pignataro hopes to major in communications and minor in business marketing in college. He also added, “I hope to create a sports marketing firm to work with different athletes all around the world.”