This January, students from the sociology class walked the hallways showcasing their baby carriers. Buried underneath the infant blankets and hats were the annual “flour babies” that students were challenged to take care of over the course of three weeks. Throughout the project, students were given the opportunity to experience the first hands of parenting, and the effort that goes into raising their “child.”
Students spoke about their experiences caring for their babies, and the challenges they faced as newly-minted parents.
Junior Shawn Sealy
Name of baby: Lucy
Do you feel a connection to the baby? “I think I’ve built a connection; I’ve had my child for about a week. It’s become a part of my day, and it’s just become subconscious to make sure I have the baby. I’ve developed a new consistent awareness.”
What is the hardest part about caring for the baby that you did not expect? “Getting the little side tasks done. It’s having to go out of my way, like out of school, to do little tasks to make sure I’m interacting with my child and it’s not alone in my room. Like there’s one that says ‘tend to the child late at night,’ and I have to keep a record by taking a picture.”
How do you feel about the project ending? “It’s a bit of a blessing and a curse. I bike to school, so transporting it is a challenge. I’m alright with the project being over.”
What is your favorite memory? “I think the first night I brought her home and showed her to my mother, and she just laughed.”
Senior Nina Tomao
Name of baby: Marceline
What was your least favorite part about the project? “Carrying up the stairs because it’s really narrow while walking, and a lot of people don’t care that you’re holding a baby, so they’ll knock into her.”
What was the hardest part of caring for the baby that you did not expect? “Definitely remembering to bring her to school. I didn’t realize that would be a problem.”
Did you feel a connection to the baby? “Yes, absolutely. I actually feel like she’s my baby and I’m always watching over her. I actually made her and dressed her, so I feel close to her.”
How do you feel about the project ending? “I’m so sad; I honestly don’t know how I’m going to be able to take her apart. I don’t think I can.”
Junior Jocelyn Pineda
Name of baby: Emiliano Ricardo Pineda
What were your thoughts going into the project? “At first, I was excited and really optimistic, but now, the single parent life isn’t for me. It’s completely different from what I thought it was going like, and I found it really challenging.”
What is the hardest part about caring for the baby that you did not expect? “Transportation. I didn’t put a lot of thought into that when I started the project; I take the public bus to school, so I had to carry him by a little strap that I made.”
How do you feel about the project ending? “I’m both excited and a little sad. I’m basically losing a new part of my daily life that I’ve gotten used to. Although I’m really excited and happy to be free from the responsibility of caring for a child.”
What is your favorite memory? “One day I just fell asleep while holding him on the couch, and for a second it felt like I had a real bond with him. Looking back now it was really funny, but I did feel a connection.”
Senior Aashlei Brody
Name of baby: AJ
What was your least favorite part of the project? “Carrying the baby around the school; you have to be extra careful not to let them hit anybody.”
What was the hardest part about caring for the baby that you did not expect? “I almost forgot the baby so many times. Carrying it too, I really didn’t think that it was going to be that heavy. It’s five pounds but the basket adds more weight to it.”
Did you feel a connection to the baby? “Yes, absolutely. I had such a strong connection to him; I took pictures of him every day. I loved him so much.”
What is your favorite memory? “When we went shopping together. I went shopping with him and I had even taken him to watch the sunset together. I’m going to remember him forever.”
Junior Cara Abraham
Name of baby: Caden
What were your thoughts going into the project? “At first, I really didn’t want the baby or to do the project. In the end, though, I was pretty alright with it.”
Did you feel a connection to the baby? “Not at all actually. I just didn’t really get into bonding with him. I didn’t really care for the baby, so I guess it didn’t click with me. I think it’s more of a chore than liking him.”
What is your favorite memory? “I brought him with me to track, and my coaches kept talking to him. He stayed by their sides the entire time.”
What is the hardest part of caring for the baby that you did not expect? “I didn’t realize the amount of work that was going into this project. Every day after school we had to take pictures of the baby and write about their day. We also did other little assignments about the baby along with bringing it into school every day. The babies get checked to make sure that they’re in good condition, so I really didn’t expect all of this work that needed to be done.”