(A homage to Hanif Abdurraqib’s “The Summer a Tribe Called Quest Broke Up”)
what i find most puzzling
is the shell of belonging.
for who am i
if not the pieces of another
of the man in the bodega store
the crossing guard
the girl i took french with
the boy in my math class
if it is not merely the exchange
of a fleeting gaze
in a sea of gazes
i make up
a reciprocated loneliness
touched by fear
touched by a lack of tenderness
unwelcome into the world
met with unrelenting competition
a society of spectacle
a fictitious acme of success
to realize
after a life shadowed in regret
in normalcy
& un-nuanced sadness
that all there was to do
was to break the junction
of stubborn indifference
& love