Red. The color of roses that wait in the florist’s window
to be picked and presented out of love.
Red: the color of passion.
We all bleed passion; we
all know the feeling of it coursing through our system
as that person draws nearer
and nearer, and you can’t wait any longer for their invigorating touch.
Orange. The fiery feeling of that hue. That
forbidden moment stolen from the gods.
Even Prometheus couldn’t pull off such a heist.
Orange: the color of embers still living,
but suspect to be squashed.
If only someone could breathe some life back into them,
some warmth back into them, some
yellow. The bright star
The electrifying bolt, the sparkling gold.
Yellow: That’s how they make you feel.
Lighter than the sun, stronger than lightning,
richer than Rockefeller.
Green. The color of grass, leaves, stems of flowers
budding in springtime.
Our love is frozen in a merciless winter;
we’d be fools to find
green. The start of a new beginning,
where I’d be lucky enough to hold your hand
and call you mine.
Blue. The color of clear skies and open waters.
Nobody knows what hides way up above
or way down below. I’m so
blue, I want to take you with me
and fly up, up, and away,
or swim down, down, below,
where nobody could ever hurt us.
Purple. The color of royalty.
There are not enough jewels in the world
to make a crown fitting enough for you,
the ruler of my heart.
Purple. A becoming color.
Alas, we were exiled from the kingdom
before we got the chance to become.
We waited behind a window,
waited for the chance to become.
We became red with envy.
The time is now for change,
as a revolution began in vibrant orange.
A yellow revelation appeared in the minds of many.
The seeds were planted in the green,
and we kept pushing the tide forward,
like the great big blue.
Because all we want is to love and love freely.
Let our pride radiate past the ultraviolet frequency.
We cry not for crowns to be placed on our heads
but for the chains to be broken over our hearts.
It never was just black and white.
But I will always side with love,
for that is our birthright.