“The Finish Line”
i’m at the starting line
no one told me that when you left
every little thing would be a chilling reminder of you
sending jolts of electricity down my spine
you sting me and every single nerve in my body
i’m running a race, behind
someone said your name last week and i got whiplash from how quickly my head turned
how quickly the emotions i felt for the better part of a year flooded me
and brought me back to when they replaced my blood
so that you were the the only way i could live and breathe
and when it wasn’t you, i couldn’t have predicted i would be relieved
i can see the finish line. i am not there
no one told me that when you left
meeting you again would suddenly feel different
there’s a wall that time has built between us
and we both see it there
but neither one of us wants to address it
so please try to hug me
break this barrier
we both know you can’t
but god wouldn’t it be lovely if you could

I am a member of the Class of 2024 as well as a managing editor for Horizon. I like to write, read, sing, and act. One fun fact about me is that I love...