From the EIC’s Desk


Dear 2018-2019 Horizon Staff,

Wow! What a year it has been for us in Horizon. Before I begin talking about next year, I just want to thank each of you, the writers, photographers, section editors, managing editors, and Sam, my fellow editor-in-chief, for all of the amazing work we’ve completed together. It takes a lot of late nights, early mornings, skipping lunch and off periods, yet we made it all happen. I especially want to thank those who were always there for me when I was in a tough spot or could be relied on to come through in difficult situations. You guys are the reason this year was a success, both in print and online. I hope you appreciate the relationships we’ve forged and the memories we’ve made as much as I did. When you put your all into something, you take a lot of pride in what you create. I am truly proud at the stories we’ve written, pictures taken, and issues created. Although we had our fair share of challenges, I found that the dedication, grit, and resourcefulness exhibited by many of you was more than enough to resolve our problems. Additionally, everyone should be proud and honored to have received the awards and acknowledgements that we did at the Quill Awards, Hofstra Press Day, and the others.

A few special statements of gratitude are necessary for me to mention when reflecting upon my time with Horizon. Thank you to all of the seniors who saw this through with me. Even when the going got rough, we always saw the big picture and could lend a hand to help each other. Although others around us did not always stay, I am thrilled the we have developed lasting friendships and achievements with our small core of seniors. Lauren, your work with A&E was diligent and impressive. The pages of your section consistently featured color and stories that brightened the entire edition, and you held your section to the highest of standards. Seamus, I’m glad we could develop our relationship together this year, and your editing skills were top-notch. Yet what was most meaningful to me was the times where you had my back, took care of things, and kept the club as your highest priority that have stood out the most. I don’t think anyone will be able to replicate the length of your articles, either. Sam, it has been quite a ride since our co-editorship of the sports section as underclassmen. You have been my closest friend in this club, and I will always cherish the work we’ve done and the fun we’ve had. No matter what, I could rely on you to relate with my struggles or celebrate my achievements, and our friendship has grown immensely through our partnership. I have always considered you someone I could count on, and your dedication and persistence to follow through have exemplified this. I know all of you guys are destined for great things in your futures, and I will keep in touch as we continue on to college. Don’t forget about the skills and life lessons we learned the hard way here; these will be invaluable to you as you continue your pursuits.

To the new staff of Horizon for 2018-2019, you have no idea what you’re in for! Horizon is tough, stressful, and an arduous task, to say the least. The deadlines seem like they get tighter and tighter and the expectations higher and higher. But that is why Horizon is single-handedly the most rewarding activity I did in my four years at LHS, and that is why you guys need to remind yourselves to slow it down and appreciate it every so often. Don’t lose sight of the bigger picture and your original goals when committing to this staff. Be responsible, honest, and open to communication. Depend on your colleagues, bring excitement and creativity, and always have best intentions at heart. Most importantly, be accountable for your actions and decisions. It is this skill and maturity that make the paper have the success that it does.

I would like to briefly offer some advice to you guys for next year. News: Work hard to find the news stories within the Lynbrook community. They’re there, you just have to look for them. Avoid national news and keep the stories interesting and relevant to students. Never forget you have the luxury of the front cover, so use that to your advantage. Features: The potential is highest for your section. Articles can be about almost anything, so creativity is a necessity. Utilize the layout tools to make complicated and colorful designs; it will boost your section even more. Lastly, make your pieces have real meaning and they will become special to you. A&E: Stay diligent. There are so many deserving stories out there in the LHS art atmosphere that never see the light. Find them. Opinions: This section has such a great opportunity in front of it. Seize it. Get passionate students to write supported opinions, and never shy away from controversial material. Exemplify qualities of true journalists. Sports: This section can revolutionize the story of Horizon and its future. Sideline interviews, videos, slideshows, and score reports. LHS sports is the key, not professional. Don’t forget that. It’s all there just waiting to be harnessed. The best way for viewer traffic to increase is through you, so let’s see what you can do. All other staffers: Keep the business coming and the layout looking professional; it is the backbone and soul of this paper and staff. Managing editors: You are in the most critical position of the staff. You bridge the sections to the EIC, and the way you utilize your unique position will without a doubt determine the success of this paper. Be there for Sam, yet stay on your section editors. Don’t let layout fall behind, and remember to follow through all the way until the paper is printed. EIC (Sam): Step back and observe the process. Find the inefficiencies and fix them. Set a culture of communication and collaboration. Treat the staff with respect, and expect the same in return. You are uniquely given oversight to the whole staff while having a fresh mind, so integrate new ideas and challenge all traditions of the process. Keep it Lynbrook-centered and exciting to look at. Focus on layout, and everything else will come along with it.

One last thank you is deserved, and probably the most important one. Thank you, Mrs. Sanders, for your undying enthusiasm, spirit, and professionalism. I have seen firsthand the dedication which you bring to this paper, and the challenges it throws at you. Even when you’re faced with impossible deadlines or workloads, you are able to be there for the whole staff, especially me, when needed. You have taught me what it’s like to be a professional, to be mature, and to be responsible in the truest sense. I appreciate and recognize the immense contribution you’ve had on my growth and development, and can see how you have shaped my character and the person that I currently am. I can never thank you enough for believing in me, guiding me, and supporting me throughout this whole process. You have without a doubt helped me achieve my full-potential as a writer and collaborator, but also as a leader and a human being. I will carry the lessons and memories of our time together close to me as I continue, so I can rely on it as I experience future struggles and successes.

Good luck to all of the future staff members of Horizon, and remember to keep alive the passionate spirit that has existed in this club under the leadership of me and all of the editors of the Class of 2018. We leave this club to you. You can do this, and we couldn’t be more excited to see you try.

Dustin Mandell (Editor in Chief ‘17-’18)