Should We Really Be Drinking Soda?

Coca-Cola, when burned, becomes a black, tar-like substance. Once all the water evaporates, sugar is left behind, which is then what the tar-like substance consists of. Do you really want that in your body?

Soda is a carbonated soft drink with excessive amounts of sugar. It is very detrimental to one’s health. It can cause problems such as tooth decay, obesity, diabetes, dehydration, and
high blood pressure. The sugar in soda can cause plaque, cavities, or gum disease. It can also cause blood sugar to rise immensely, which can lead to weight gain or diabetes. Caffeine in soda can lead to tumors, irregular heartbeat, and high blood pressure. The sugar and caffeine can lead to dehydration, which often causes other problems. These alarming facts prove that soda is not something people should be consuming. Sophomore Jolie Gutstein added, “Although soda is delicious, it is extremely bad for you as it causes cavities, obesity, and other health problems. In the long run, drinking soda is not worth the negative consequences on your health.”

Soda has no nutritional value, and neither does diet soda. While some people think that diet soda is the healthier option, it is not. Though diet soda contains less sugar than soda, diet soda is carbonated and has artificial sweeteners, which can cause other problems such as seizures, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, and emotional disorders. Diet soda can also cause obesity and high cholesterol. In addition, there have been studies that have linked consumption of diet soda to an increased risk of developing Type-2 diabetes. Either way, both forms of soda are not something people should put in their bodies.

Though soda is extremely unhealthy, people will continue to drink it. The best way to continue consuming soda is to do so in moderation. Elena Grajales, a sophomore, commented on the matter: “Soda is a refreshing beverage that tastes really good despite its poor effects on your body. I think that as long as you drink soda in moderation, you can stay healthy and enjoy soda at the same time.” It would be hard for people to eliminate soda from their diets, but by limiting soda consumption, people can enjoy soda without detrimental effects on their body.

The best thing a person can drink is water. Water is essential in daily life because it hydrates and helps regulate body temperature, transport nutrients, and digest food. It also helps to lose weight and can improve mood and thought. It makes working out easier, and it will help lead to clear skin. Soda will cause skin problems and make working out more sluggish. Sophomore Ami Carey added, “I try not to drink soda too often because it is really bad for your teeth. Instead, I usually drink water because it keeps me hydrated, and healthy. It is really important to stay hydrated especially when playing sports.”

Ultimately, soda does not do anything to help your body stay healthy, and while it may give a short burst of energy, it does not provide any long-term energy boost, as it only leads to negative health impacts in the future. Thus, people should refrain from consuming soda, and fill their bodies with more beneficial substances.