Sean Strohofer
Photo Courtesy of Patrick O'Doherty
To excel at a sport is one of the most challenging things a person can do. Being great at two sports during the same season is nearly impossible, yet senior Patrick O’Doherty makes the impossible a reality.
O’Doherty has been a rock-solid kicker for the Owls football team this year and has served as role model for younger players. Coach David Yaker praised O’Doherty’s commitment, and said that he embodies what it means to be a part of the Owls: “It’s good for our younger players to see that you are capable of doing more than you think … That’s what we preach, and Patrick lives it.” His leadership and personality have allowed him to build strong relationships with his coaches. “He leads by example, in and out of the classroom. It’s been a pleasure to get to know him and watch him excel in multiple sports,” Yaker added.
O’Doherty’s off-the-field excellence is no substitute for in-game performance– “Having Patrick, he’s a huge weapon in the kicking game,” preached Yaker. “He can kick it deep; he can put it into spots, he’s got unbelievable touch. He’s a great weapon to have.”
While O’Doherty does succeed on the gridiron, his focus going forward is on the pitch. The center-midfielder leads the team in both points and goals, with his best game coming on Saturday, September 30 versus Sewanhaka where he netted a late second-half goal to keep Lynbrook out of the loss column. Varsity soccer coach Joshua Berlin praised O’Doherty’s discipline and desire to improve: “He has an incredible drive to be successful and is always hardest on himself when he falls short of his own expectations.” Berlin added, “Rather than wallow in the failure, he doubles down.”
Like Yaker, Berlin praised O’Doherty for his leadership by example. “The boys on the team respect the heck out of him. Off the field, he is respected and followed by his teammates and is a great team leader this year,” said Berlin. Despite his dedication to two teams, Berlin had no second thoughts about O’Doherty’s ability to lead: “It is not even in question where Patrick’s priorities lie. He has not missed a game and has never given us a reason to doubt our decision to make him a captain and emotional leader of the team.”
The respect that Berlin preaches is also seen in O’Doherty’s teammate, senior Walter Martinez. The two have been playing together since elementary school, and Martinez has nothing but love and respect for his teammate: “I know Patrick puts all his effort on the field whether it’s soccer, lacrosse, or football. He wants the best for his team and is willing to fight for anything on and off the field.”
Martinez also spoke about how O’Doherty has served as an inspiration for him in their time together: “He makes me want to work 10 times better on the field and to be the best out of me on the field.” Martinez wanted to give a message to his childhood friend as well. “Thank you for everything you have done. I’m proud of [your] accomplishments. You work hard, and it shows when everyone sees you. I’m proud of everything you were able to do,” he said.
As his coaches and teammates would suggest, O’Doherty was extremely humble about his success. Despite his skill, he remains a student of both games: “My favorite part is spending time with both teams and seeing the difference in practices and games. I get to see the ins and outs of two completely different games.” He credits Coach Yaker, Coach Berlin, and his father for being his biggest inspirations. O’Doherty also spoke fondly of the times growing up and practicing with his father: “My favorite memories from soccer are getting coached by my dad. He’s coached me my whole life.”
While soccer remains his main sport for now, O’Doherty remains indifferent about which sport he will want to play after high school. “My plans going forward are to try to get recruited to play in college, whether it is lacrosse, soccer, or even football,” he shared.